A secure diversification for your portfolio
At Affor Analytics, we offer our investors low volatility and close to zero correlation to equity markets. We do this by harnessing the power of a cloud-based infrastructure and our inhouse developed machine learning algorithm. Our systematic market neutral long/short strategy is designed to yield positive returns regardless of the general market direction. It is designed to be of value as a diversification in a broader portfolio with multiple assets, or as a low risk investment on its own.
Our strategy is built on a foundation of practical experience and academic research. With the use of data and computing power, we can consider a wide range of information to determine relative attractiveness between equities.

We use the power of data science to make systematic investment decisions.
Affor Analytics is born from the idea that computers are better at processing large quantities of data than humans. They can detect patterns and find connections that the human brain may not see. We believe that smart utilisation of advances in data science and cloud computing gives an edge in the competitive field of asset management.
Our people are skilled in utilizing advanced technology for successful investments.
We at Affor Analytics are with a group of highly skilled individuals with expertise in statistics, mathematics, econometrics, and data science. We share a passion for applying cutting-edge technology in a competitive field. A diverse background and close ties to the academia allow us to bring unique and innovative perspectives to markets.
Financial data used
Annualized Volatility
Return since inception